Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Four more weeks

Sigh. The word on the mailing lists, from some people who've called up ServiceOntario to ask for a new ETA, is that because of all the requests they've received (Post-Adoption Birth Information, vetoes, and contact preference forms) that the expected 6-8 weeks has expanded to 12 weeks. What does this mean? Four more weeks.

Sure, this sucks, but at least it's better to know. I won't be rushing to the mailbox every day after work for whole bloody month!

I also heard that the workers have clarified that pending Post-Adoption Birth Information (PABI) requests from 2007 will be processed before anything else that came after June 1, which I'm happy about. I'd been wondering just what would happen if a disclosure veto arrived after June 1, but before the response to the PABI request was mailed out. The answer is "nothing", i.e. the PABI request has priority.

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