Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The final stretch

Word came on one of the mailing lists I'm on that some people have received their Post-Adoption Birth Information. The government's revised target of 12 weeks will expire this Friday, so it's no surprise that my obsession about this has heightened to near-epic levels.

I have the sort of job where I could, if I really had to, just toss off an email to my boss and say "I'm working from home today." It's not without consequences, but I could get away with it if I had to. And so every morning this week, I've thought to myself "should I stay home today to wait for the mail?"

I haven't done so yet, and what purpose would it serve really? But it's hard to fight the temptation. I concoct elaborate plans for just how and when I'll open the envelope (take a day off work, go for a long contemplative walk, and open the letter over a Scotch?) and what it will reveal. I agonize over the thought of getting a veto, or even of having only information about my birth mother and not my birth father.

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